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ircng.snt.utwente.nl Message of the Day - 19/1/2025 22:00 ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /::\ \ /::| | \:\ \ /:/\ \ \ /:|:| | \:\ \ _\:\~\ \ \ /:/|:| |__ /::\ \ /\ \:\ \ \__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ /:/\:\__\ \:\ \:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ / /:/ \/__/ \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ / /:/ / \:\/:/ / |::/ / /:/ / \::/ / /:/ / /:/ / \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ Bots in any shape or form are prohibited on the dutch part of this IRC network. This service is available on the following ports: - plain 6660-6669 - tls 6697 Please do not bother us with irc-problems/fights/kicks/bans or any other kind of non-server related question in email or on IRC. They are a part of irc, and we are not in the position to solve them for you. There is 1 server available for ipv6: - irc.snt.utwente.nl Basic rules: - Only 2 connections per person allowed. Please note that this is not per host, but per person, and goes for the total amount on the entire IRC network. - No bots! They will be removed from this server without hesitation. - No abuse. This is a rule which describes many actions. Always try to use your common sense. - No DNS polluted hosts. See http://www.dnsspam.nl/ for a statement on this. Some IPv6 numeric addresses also fall in this category. For more information on how to name your hosts, check: http://www.nl.ircnet.org/hostname-rules.html Every oper/admin has the right to take actions as (s)he sees fit. And those actions are not open to debate. *------------------------------------------------------------------* Keep in mind: IRC is a privilege, not a right! *------------------------------------------------------------------* <mh> wishes you a very good newyear
Administrative info about ircng.snt.utwente.nl IRC beheer team, SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands irc@snt.utwente.nl Client Server
rlinks.pl Version 2.11.0 - traces all Servers in a given IRC-Network Copyright 1997-2005 Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe. email: Mario.Holbe@TU-Ilmenau.DE www : http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~holbe/