All Servers seen from MAN-DA.DE
Server Name | Ports | Description | Users | Uptime | SID | Version | Configuration | Bandwidth in KByte/second | Last seen | | 6666, 6667 | Austria | 0 | 742 days, 7:52:10 | 040H | 2.11.2p3+hub. | aEFHIKlMQsTuvZ | 2.152 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6666 - 6669 | Vienna, Austria | 91 | 564 days, 15:16:53 | 040V | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIKlMQsTuvZ6 | 0.670 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | EU Open Server, By Clue Consulting, Belgium | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 6679, 6697, 7000 | EU Open Server, Provided by HostSailor | 498 | 4 days, 8:39:30 | 0PNH | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 5.416 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 6679, 6697, 7000 | Italian Open Server, Provided by Spadhausen | 205 | 6 days, 12:57:07 | 0PNI | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 3.350 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | CESNET2 IPv6 server | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Czech Republic, Prague, CVUT-FEL, Department of C | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 |
BelWue.DE [] | 6665 - 6669, 7000 | [] BelWue, Stuttgart, GERMANY | 166 | 6 days, 1:20:42 | 276S | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHJKlmMpQRTuXZ6 | 0.960 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | [] | 6665 - 6670 | Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany | 178 | 4 days, 8:23:28 | 276B | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIJKlMpQRsTuXZ | 1.396 | 2024-09-09 06:05 |
MAN-DA.DE | 4144, 4414, 6660 - 6670, 7777 | MANDA - Metropolitan Area Network Darmstadt, DE | 306 | 193 days, 14:17:12 | 276D | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIKlMpQsTuZ6 | 4.278 | 2024-09-09 06:05 |
Uni-Erlangen.DE [] | 6665 - 6669 | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnbe | 568 | 536 days, 11:43:40 | 276E | 2.11.2p3. | aCEFHJKlmMpQRsTuZ6 | 6.296 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Linxtelecom IPv6/4 IRCnet server, Estonia | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Hub Server, Estonia, IPv6/4 | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6659 - 6670 | Elisa Oyj, Finland | 306 | 19 days, 16:27:52 | 246I | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHJKlmMpQRTuY6 | 1.364 | 2024-09-05 06:07 | | 6663 - 6668 | Helsinki Univ of Tech, CS Lab IRC server | 290 | 1076 days, 17:29:38 | 2460 | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIJKMpQRTuYZ6 | 1.845 | 2024-09-05 06:08 | | 6667 | Telia Finland Oyj | 225 | 17 days, 8:23:13 | 246K | 2.11.2p3. | aEFIJKMpQRTu6 | 1.417 | 2024-09-05 06:08 | | 6660 - 6669 | lappeen Ranta Univ of Tech, Finland | 19 | 940 days, 11:10:10 | 246F | 2.11.2p3. | aDEFIJKlMpQRTuZ | 0.195 | 2024-09-05 06:08 | | 6665, 6667 - 6669 | Nebula Oy Co-Op server, Finland | 1492 | 1457 days, 12:15:10 | 246G | 2.11.2p3. | aEFJKlMpRTuZ6 | 5.368 | 2024-09-05 06:07 | | 6665, 6667 | Unixverstas Olutensin, Finlandia Vodka | 71 | 92 days, 13:58:12 | 246C | 2.11.2p1. | aEFHIKMTuY6 | 0.202 | 2024-09-05 06:08 | | not found | Tampere Region, Finland | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Tampere Region, Finland | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | ATW | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | ATW | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 7000 | US Open Server, Provided by Tempest Hosting | 36 | 6 days, 15:32:01 | 0PNQ | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 1.059 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 6679, 6697, 7000 | European Open Server, Provided by | 133 | 6 days, 15:31:53 | 0PND | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 2.704 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Milano, Italy | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Kyoto, Japan | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | NHN Techorus(TM) DATAHOTEL section | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 7000 | EU Open Server, Provided by ATW Internet Kft. | 1613 | 750 days, 17:56:05 | 0PNA | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 15.385 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6679, 6697 | Experimental EU Open SSL Server, Provided by ATW | 252 | 748 days, 20:21:09 | 0PNY | 2.11.2p3+ssl. | aEFIJkMpRsTuvZ6 | 3.073 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 7000 | United States of America Open Server | 521 | 770 days, 21:33:18 | 0PNU | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 4.118 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6666 - 6669 | NLNOG, Amsterdam, Netherlands | 856 | 1200 days, 11:11:45 | 0PNN | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 7.618 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6665 - 6669, 6679, 6697, 7000 | US Open Server, Provided by Psychz Networks | 397 | 6 days, 7:42:58 | 0PNP | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 6.172 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6660 - 6670, 6679, 6697, 8000, 8080 | SUNET, Stockholm, Sweden | 343 | 6 days, 14:11:27 | 0PNS | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 2.322 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 5551, 6660, 6662 - 6669 | SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands | 232 | 100 days, 18:59:47 | 528I | 2.11.2p3. | aEFIJKlMpQsTuvZ6 | 5.705 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6661 | SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands | 3619 | 100 days, 18:59:47 | 528K | 2.11.2p3. | aEFIJKlMpQsTuvZ6 | 7.186 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 5551, 6667 | SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands | 0 | 107 days, 14:01:11 | 528J | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIJKlMpQsTuv6 | 6.679 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 5551, 6660 - 6669, 6698 | SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands | 275 | 100 days, 18:59:51 | 528G | 2.11.2p3. | aEFIJKlMpQsTuvZ | 2.642 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6660 - 6669, 6679, 6697 | SNT at University of Twente, The Netherlands | 1399 | 6 days, 15:32:14 | 0PNT | 2.11.2p3+0PNv1.06. | aEFIJklMpRsTuvZ6 | 12.935 | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Universitas Osloensis | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Oslo, Norway | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 |
IRCnet3mh2zfmpn3zcgwtrjnh37zcnyvjmsvoig577isjmy6m24auqqd.onion | not found | Tor Experimental Server, UK | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found |, Denmark | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Hub server, Poland | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | AMU, Poznan, Poland | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Kingdom of Sweden | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | OK IT AB | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | Tele2/SWIPNET | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | not found | ARNES IRC Server | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | not found | 2024-09-09 06:05 | | 6667 | UK Hub | 5 | 231 days, 6:22:54 | 826H | 2.11.2p3. | aEFHIKlMpQRsTuvXZ6 | 1.827 | 2024-09-09 06:05 |